Sunday, March 4, 2012

Just Got Back From the Gym.

I have split my strength training workouts into two routines.  I work on back, biceps and legs one workout, and chest, triceps and shoulders the next.  I involve core training every workout, doing the Hammer Strength Ab Machine, Leg Raises and Roman Chair Back Extensions each time I'm at the gym.

I am experimenting, trying to find out which exercises, on which machines or with free weights, cause the least amount of stress on the torn rotator cuff in my left shoulder.  I still have almost complete range of motion, but it has been aching more than usual and I'm not sure if its from strength training, the motion from running, or just from the repetitive motion involved in mixing cocktails at work.

Today, I found that the Hammer Strength Pull Down Machine works my lats and biceps pretty well with, so far, no perceived stress on the shoulder, so I've added that to my back workout, along with Hammer Strength Low Rows, and Low Rows on the Icarian Machine.  I'm doing 2 to 3 sets on each, thereby working my back and lats from different angles.

I used to prefer free weights over using machines but have found that the ease and speed of the machines is a bonus since I want to cut down on the time spent in the gym.

I have also thrown some extra bicep work into the mix after having stopped doing it, again, because of the stress on the shoulder.  I have found that both the Hammer Strength and the Icarian Bicep Machines isolate the bicep to the point where the shoulder is not involved.

In order to try to strengthen the legs I am also doing Hammer Strength Machine Squats and Icarian Leg Presses.  I have found that I need to be careful strength training the legs because overdoing it definitely hinders my ability to improve my running.  I've cut back on the weight for both of these exercises and only do two sets on each.

So, here was my routine for today:

Warm up shoulder with light weight doing rotator cuff exercises I learned from physical therapist.

H.S. Pull Downs..........50 x 12 - 12 & 60 x 12

H.S. Low Row.............90 x 12 & 105 x 10

Icarian Low Row.......100 x 12 - 12

Squats........................160 x 12 & 200 x 12

Leg Press...................230 x 12 & 270 x 10

H.S. Ab ........................20 x 40 - 30 - 30

Leg Raises.....................15 - 15

Roman Chair Ext..........30

H.S. Curl,......................30 x 12 - 12

Icarian Curl..................40 x 12 - 12

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